速報APP / 娛樂 / Gujarati Suvichar | Kahevat

Gujarati Suvichar | Kahevat





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本


Gujarati Suvichar | Kahevat(圖1)-速報App

Suvichar is increase your positive thinking and way you are doing work. Suvichar is In Gujarati for only gujju people

✍ Here more than 5000 Suvichar you will find and we are updating the collection day by day with the new Suvichar.

✍ Suvichar is the Summary of the very known people's life and we had collection of suvichar of that people.

✍ In this app you will find the kahevat as like as the suvichar. you can share kahevat and suvichar to social medial..

✍ Gujarati is the most popular language in Gujarat so we make our app in Gujarati to connect peoples idea.

✍ Read the Suvichar and Kahevat and you are able to share this on social media to any of your friends.

✍ Kahevat describe the situation and its result so you can point a people in directly.

✍ Too many Suvichar is added by us and many kahevat is there you can increase the font size and line spacing in the setting .

✍ Copy the Suvichar and Kahevat by one tap and share it any where you want its very easy to share.

Gujarati Suvichar | Kahevat(圖2)-速報App

Gujarati Suvichar | Kahevat(圖3)-速報App

Gujarati Suvichar | Kahevat(圖4)-速報App

Gujarati Suvichar | Kahevat(圖5)-速報App